Updated: October 18, 2024
Libra Basic Information
Date Duration: September 23 to October 22
Symbol: Scales
Element: Air
Sign Quality: Cardinal
Planetary Ruler: Venus
From September 23 to October 22, the Sun is in Libra. The period when the Sun aligns with Libra coincides with the Autumnal Equinox (September Equinox), which marks the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. During this period, every sign in the Zodiac will be exposed to both the positive and negative aspects of Libra’s energy.
How this energy affects you depends on your personality, disposition, and your ability to adapt to the changes around you during this time of year. If you want to be prepared for Libra season, there are stones and crystals that you can use to turn Libra’s energy in your favor and counteract any negativity that you may be exposed to during this period, regardless of your zodiac sign.
Libra is a cardinal sign as it aligns with the sun at the beginning of Autumn. Cardinal signs play a pivotal role in Astrology because they are positioned at the beginning of a season.
Libra is symbolized by the Scales, fashioned after the Scales of Justice of Themis, whom the Greek’s considered the personification of divine law and justice. She is also the inspiration for Lady Justice, the symbol of the moral code of ethics in today's modern-day judiciary. Libra’s planetary ruler is Venus, the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology, revered not only her for beauty, but also for her ability to charm gods and humans alike. This is perhaps why Libras are known for their strong sense of justice, as well as their affinity for beauty, balance, and harmony.
Libra exudes a very balanced, calm energy. You’re more likely to feel the change in energetic frequencies when the sun aligns with Libra compared to the previous month. Not only is the energy a lot calmer than in previous seasons, but temperatures will also start to drop as Autumn starts and the days start to get shorter.
A Closer Look at Libra's Strengths and Weaknesses
Intelligent, idealistic, and highly empathic, Libras are revered for their easy charm, strong sense of justice and objectivity. Libra is an air sign and signs associated with air are often great at analyzing situations from every angle, thereby allowing them to make fair and unbiased observations. Their charm coupled with their naturally outgoing and social nature, allows them to express their thoughts and opinions freely. Libras are highly intelligent and as such, they love to engage in intellectual discussions. They also have a penchant for reading, making them well-versed in a wide-range of topics.
While Libras are sociable and charismatic, their airy personality can sometimes turn cold when a situation doesn’t go their way or when they feel like they are being treated unfairly. This hot and cold nature that Libras can sometimes exhibit is a trait that most air element signs share. If you’re a Libra, you might want to be extra mindful of this duality in your personality, as it can often be misconstrued by people, even those who are close to you.
Aside from reading, Libras love the outdoors. They enjoy spending time around nature as much as they enjoy spending time reading at home. They have a special affinity with nature-related hobbies like biking, hiking, fishing, and water sports.
Since Libra is symbolized by the scales, it doesn’t come as a surprise that Libras hate injustice. They hate conflict and they constantly thrive for peace and harmony in both their relationships and surroundings. As such, they either try to solve conflicts by going through every possible solution for resolution or by simply avoiding it when all other options don’t work.
Ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, Libras have a penchant for beautiful things and places. Their desire to be surrounded by beauty can sometimes lead them to overindulge when shopping and when traveling to beautiful and exotic locations.
Libras are some of the most passionate people you’ll ever meet when it comes to romance; this is because they value partnership, especially romantic relationships. Libras are easily swept away when they fall in love and they will often do anything to please their partners. Libras are happiest when they are in a committed relationship, which is what makes them great romantic partners.
This desire to please, however, does not just apply to their romantic relationships. One of Libras main weaknesses is that they tend to be people-pleasers; they want to make everyone happy because they abhor conflict. However, this can sometimes lead to cloudy judgment especially when it comes to who they associate themselves with. This is why Libras should be extra careful of who they open up to, as betrayal is something a Libra doesn’t take very well. When betrayed, Libras tend to fall into depression and are prone to holding grudges because of their desire to promote justice, even though they dislike conflict.
Libras thrive best when they work with a partner, whether professionally or romantically. Professionally, they are known to work their hardest when paired with someone they like and trust.
The main duality in a Libra’s personality is that while they are often considered objective and are known to be able to view situations in every possible angle. When it comes to relationships, they tend to lose sight of their objectivity in order to please people because of their desire to uphold peace, even at the expense of their own happiness.
Libras are also known for their fun-loving nature, which is why people are easily drawn to them. Having a Libra as a friend, family member, or romantic partner, is truly a gift, as they are some of the most empathic people you’ll ever meet. They’re usually the glue that holds a group together.
While Libras have a lot of admirable traits, it’s not always easy for them to deal with situations, especially when dealing with people who have opposing values because they often try to carry the burden of upholding the peace, which can both be physically and emotionally taxing.
Fortunately, the stones and crystals listed below can help strengthen your best traits and help keep your emotional, physical, and mental states in balance. While these stones have a special affinity with Libras, everyone can benefit from any of these crystals during Libra season, especially since they are attuned to Libra’s energy when it is aligned with the sun.
Whether you want to harness the positive traits of Libra’s energy or you are particularly sensitive to its energy, these stones and crystals can help you capitalize on any opportunities that may come to you this season or they can help temper energies that you feel might be holding you back.
Recommended Stones and Crystals for Libra Energy
Ametrine combines two crystal powerhouses- Citrine and Amethyst- in one beautiful stone. It naturally occurs when Citrine and Amethyst are formed in one stone, resulting in a beautiful color combination of Citrine’s vibrant yellow color and Amethyst’s calming purple color. As it is a naturally occurring formation, the purple and yellow colors in the stone can appear in different patterns.
Ametrine is one of the main birthstones associated with Libra. It resonates with the Crown, Third Eye, and Solar Plexus Chakras
As Libra is an air element sign, it is easier for Libras to tune into their higher selves (their subconscious mind). They think not just with logic alone, but they view every situation in different levels of thought, allowing them to see the whole picture, not just parts of it.
Ametrine is an excellent stone for enhancing the empathic nature of Libras as it increases one’s ability to think on a higher level and put oneself in other people’s shoes especially when conflict is involved.
It also helps balance the energies Yin and Yang and other opposing forces, which is why it is the perfect crystal for Libra’s energy.
As I mentioned earlier, Libras thrive when working in pairs, whether romantically or professionally. Ametrine is the embodiment of how working as a pair is better than working alone, as this stone amplifies both the healing properties of Citrine and Amethyst.
It is also a stone of prosperity and manifestation, making it the one of the best crystals for Libras or anyone looking to capitalize on any new opportunities or improve existing ventures during this season.
Tourmalinated Quartz, also known as Tourmaline Quartz, is a type of clear quartz that features strings of black tourmaline. Originally found in Brazil, one may also come across green or pink versions of this crystal.
Associated with all chakras but especially the Third Eye Chakra, Tourmaline Quartz merges the properties of Tourmaline and Clear Quartz. The strong vibrations of these two crystals combined amplifies the energy of each, creating a strong protective energy around you. The connection to the Third Eye Chakra helps to manifest a clear mind and emotional state.
Tourmaline Quartz crystal is a grounding stone that can transform negative energies into positive ones. For the Libra’s out there feeling like they’re still holding onto a grudge, or tensions against a situation in their lives, Tourmaline Quartz provides the power to understand the source of negative energies and find ways to alleviate them.
For the Libra, the Black Tourmaline in Tourmaline Quartz brings peace and protection. While it opens up their minds, it helps to experience and exude positivity. When it comes to spiritual growth, this crystal is perfect as it keeps you grounded while cleansing your aura at the same time.
Use Tourmaline Quartz for healing, meditation or crystal grids. Because of its ability to transmute negative energies, Toumaline Quartz is a great tool to help you manifest your deepest desires.
Connected to the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras, Prehnite is considered a stone of unconditional love, teaching you to be in harmony with yourself as well as with the world around you. Its yellow and green hues spark up that personal power of yours, encouraging you to be confident and put your heart into all that you do.
Prehnite was first discovered in South Africa and is known to be the first stone that was named after a person - Colonel Hendrik Von Prehn.
Prehnite enhances that sense of inner knowing and invites in calming, peaceful, and protective energies. When your Heart is in balance, you’re able to understand yourself better. For Libra, Prehnite stone enhances its peaceful and nurturing side.
At times indecisiveness can be stressful and cause unnecessary tension within us. For Libras that may find it hard to pinpoint exactly the direction, they need to head, Prehnite assists in reducing those anxious feelings so you can clear the air, remind yourself of what your heart is telling you and make decisions with ease.
Use Prehnite in your mediation practice to connect with your higher self. Prehnite attunes you to divine energies, bringing your Heart into union with your Will, and highlighting the best path forward is. Aligning your Heart and putting it at the center of all that you do, means you’re able to live your life as your highest self and show up for people as the most authentic you.
Lepidolite, known as a type of Mica, was named after the Greek word lipids meaning scale. Lepidolite is known for it's ability to dispel negativity and bring about calmer energies. Due to its high lithium content, this stone comes in a spectrum of colors.
Known as a peace stone, Lepidolite is perfect for Libras as it enhances those feelings of harmony and gentleness which they so love. Associated with balancing all of the chakras, Lepidolite is a deeply relaxing crystal and its used to counter stress.
For Libras, Lepidolite is a great companion in tough situations when you may be feeling down. It’s serene aura helps the emotional body to come back into balance, giving one an opportunity to further understand their feelings with more compassion and patience.
Use Lepidolite during meditation for a calming influence. As it stimulates all the chakras, and in particular the Heart and Third Eye, it enhances your ability to tap into your divine higher self.
Moonstone has been widely used since ancient times for its powerful protective powers. It comes in a variety of colors including peach, blue, white, and yellow. Its sacral association depends on the color of the stone, but most Moonstones are associated with the Crown, Third Eye, and Heart Chakras.
Moonstone is a powerful protective stone while traveling, especially on water. It is the perfect protective stone for Libra’s innate wanderlust, especially as they love to travel to exquisite places and participate in outdoor activities. Wearing Moonstone even during short travels can help protect you against both tangible and perceived threats.
With its strong connection to the moon, Moonstone is a stone that increases intuition and connection to the divine. It also helps the indecisive Libra in decision making by allowing them to connect to higher realms of thought so they can make fair and unbiased decisions.
Moonstone has a strong affinity to Libra’s energy because it boosts intuition and mental clarity, and is best used during problem-solving. As Libras hate conflict, they tend to be the problem solvers in a group- whether in their circle of friends, family, or even at work.
Bloodstone is one of many different varieties of the Jasper. Among the numerous types of Jasper, Bloodstone is perhaps the most revered for its healing properties. It is typically green in color with patches of deep red on the stone resembling the color of blood, hence the name.
Bloodstone, like all Jaspers, is a powerful grounding and manifestation stone. It is a stone that resonates with the Heart and Root Chakras. It is a powerful protection stone, especially for children who are exposed to bullying or anyone who is exposed to emotional abuse, as it helps facilitate self-healing and encourages self-love.
It is the perfect grounding stone for Libras and their sometimes airy personality, which can often lead to indecisiveness. Bloodstone enhances mental clarity, helps with decision-making (something that Libras often have trouble with), and it encourages independence. It is also the perfect healing stone for Libras who fear isolation or have recently lost someone, as it encourages one to look inside themselves and find the courage to face their greatest fears.
Lapis Lazuli has been highly treasured since ancient times because of its beautiful deep blue color usually showcasing gold spots on the stone's surface. It is a stone that resonates with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.
It is especially useful for Libras because it boosts intuition, rational thought, and helps with communication of all kinds.
Known as the “Performer’s Stone”, Lapis Lazuli is a great stone to turn to for Libras who have trouble focusing on accomplishing their goals, no matter how big or small.
It boosts intuition, intellect, and motivation, which is why it is often used as a study stone by students as it is particularly effective when worn while learning.
As a stone of the Throat Chakra, Lapis Lazuli is an effective communication stone. It helps you communicate your thoughts clearly and encourages honesty, which makes it particularly effective for Libras who dislike confrontations and arguments, as it gives them the mental clarity they need to express their side during a disagreement.
Wear Lapis Lazuli as a necklace close to your throat when you find yourself in situations that require you to speak the truth or use it for meditation to help you when you’re unsure about whether to speak out or keep quiet.
Clear Quartz belongs to the same family as Citrine, Amethyst and Ametrine. It is arguably one of the most versatile of all crystals because it amplifies the energy of all other crystals. You can pair it with any stone to amplify the stone’s healing properties whether in jewelry or when placed together in a corner of your home.
While Clear Quartz is an amplification stone, it doesn’t mean it’s just a supporting stone for other crystals. It is primarily associated with the Crown Chakra but it also works in clearing blockages of all other Chakras.
On its own, Clear Quartz is a powerful cleansing stone; it cleanses the aura, clears the mind, wards off negative energy, and balances the mind, body, and spirit. It is an excellent stone for Libra because it boosts mental clarity and concentration, which helps with decision-making. Something that Libras often have trouble with. Generally, however, Clear Quartz is a stone that works for everyone. It can even be used to cleanse other crystals of negative energy.
Clear Quartz is a powerful meditative stone. Whenever you find yourself stuck with negative thoughts or when you feel stressed out, wear Clear Quartz in the form of jewelry or carry a stone with you to keep your head clear and to protect you against negative thought cycles and potential threats.
Apatite is a highly motivational stone. It enhances mental clarity and helps declutter the mind of negative thoughts. It commonly comes in hues of deep blue to blue-green. It is a stone that resonates with the Throat Chakra, which is responsible for effective communication.
As Apatite is a highly-effective stone for increasing focus and mental clarity, it is the perfect stone to use against Libra’s indecisive nature. Aside from clearing mental blockages, Apatite is also a powerful spiritual stone and helps improve your connection to the divine, your higher self, and your intuition. When trying to come up with a decision regarding a difficult matter or during conflict resolution, using Apatite to enhance your sense of empathy and clear your mind of cluttered thoughts can help you come up with a decision that is fair for everyone. As a stone of the Throat Chakra, it encourages positive self-expression and communication especially in group settings.
Apatite is also a great stone for helping you focus on your goals in order to achieve them. Since Libras thrive best when they have companionship, one of their biggest fears can be being alone. Apatite helps promote independence in that it helps you realize that you can achieve your goals on your own, regardless of whether you have someone on your side or not.
Labradorite is a mesmerizing blue (sometimes, grayish-blue) stone, notable for its iridescent sheen that showcases flashes of multiple colors. This property of the stone is referred to as Labradorescence. Unpolished Labradorite, however, looks just like a regular rock. The physical properties of the stone is similar to its metaphysical properties in that Labradorite holds in it many healing properties, so much so that the Inuits believed it to be a stone of magic.
Labradorite is a stone that resonates with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras, making it a particularly useful stone for Libra’s energy. It aids in boosting intuition and one’s ability to access higher realms of thought. It is also one of the best stones to use to ward off negative energy, as it also helps temper negative traits. It also helps against impulsivity- something that Libras are prone to especially when it comes to buying expensive, beautiful things. It also helps in dispelling illusions whether in one’s romantic life or when seeking justice.
Wear Labradorite as a bracelet or use a tumbled stone for meditating whenever you feel like you need to get in touch with your intuition and your higher-self. It is also a stone of transformation, making it the perfect crystal to turn to whenever you feel like you need to make positive changes in your life or when you want to be more mindful when negative thoughts cloud your brain.
11. Morganite
Morganite is a beautiful pink stone that vibrates a very calm and reassuring energy. It resonates with the Heart Chakra and is often called the stone of “Divine Love”.
As Libra is ruled by the Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, it doesn’t come as much of a surprise that they are some of the most passionate, romantic people you’ll ever meet. Libras are in love with love and as such, they prefer to be in a committed relationship than being single.
Morganite is the perfect love crystal for Libra because it helps in maintaining and boosting love in your relationship. For single Libras, this beautiful pink stone can help you find your perfect match - someone who deserves the love you are so generous in giving and who is also willing to love you in the same way.
As a crystal of the Heart Chakra, Morganite also encourages all kinds of unconditional love, including self-love. It is a particularly helpful healing crystal for Libra, especially for people who have recently gone through heartbreak or have suffered betrayal. Morganite’s nurturing and soothing healing energy allows you to heal and eventually let go of grievances or grudges you have against people who have hurt you.
Wear Morganite as a necklace close to your heart to feel its soothing, loving energy especially when you’re feeling down, unloved, or unappreciated by the people you care about. You can also give Morganite jewelry as a gift to your significant other as a symbol of your love so that they, too, can feel the amazing powers of unconditional love.
If you’re zodiac sign is Libra, the stones listed above can be especially helpful for you when the Sun aligns with your sign. While this period can be favorable to you, as it can bring out some of your best traits and temper your negative ones, these stones can give you an extra boost when you need it and also help you make the most out of any opportunities that may come your way. Most importantly, it can help you decide which opportunities are best for you this time of year.
As mentioned throughout this post, these stones aren’t just for people born under Libra. Anyone can benefit from these stones, as Libra’s energy affects everyone, regardless of their signs. If you’re particularly sensitive to Libra’s energy, these stones and crystals can help you with any issues you may face this month. It can also help you capitalize on the positive energy of Libra so you to help you fulfill any goals you have for the coming weeks, find good opportunities, and help temper the negative aspects of your personality or ward off negativity in general.
We recommend wearing these crystals in the form of jewelry or meditating with them as direct contact with your skin, especially when used near its associated chakra, helps activate a crystal’s healing energy as well as sync your body's own energy to the stone's specific vibrational frequency.
Browse our curated collection of crystal jewelry for Libra and find the perfect pieces to complete your crystal collection. Each piece is already charged and blessed to help guide you during this period when the sun is in Libra. Remember to set an intention when using these crystals to maximize their healing energies, especially for the specific purpose you need them for.
Gifts For Libra

The Libra Crystal Box has been curated to support the peace seeking Libra in finding harmony.

This bracelet is designed to support the fair mind of Libra in staying balanced.